One week after launch
With the website coming to the end of it's first full week since going live, I thought I'd use the first blog post to capture some of my thoughts in the first week.
First of all, a big thank you! I've been delighted with all the support from friends, colleagues and connections - sharing the site, liking posts, visiting the website and following the social media. I'm also very grateful to the number of Veterans in the financial services who have shown their support for the site, and what the site is aiming to achieve.
As we approach the end of the first week, UK Military Money has achieved:
- Over 800 unique visitors to the site.
- Around 950 visits to the site (great to see some people have come back again!)
- Over 2,800 impressions on the LinkedIn launch post.
- 279 followers on the LinkedIn page.
- 128 followers on the Facebook page.
- 11 followers on the Twitter page.
- One offer to be a guest on a podcast.
Thank you again for all your support!